What are the key applications of OGP in the plastics and rubber sector?

Whether it’s ensuring the safety of medical devices or the durability of aerospace parts, the plastics and rubber sector produce delicate, vital components across a range of industries and applications.  OGP UK, the Carfulan Group’s advanced multi-sensor measurement company, provides advanced technology that meticulously captures the finest details of plastic and rubber components, utilising the […]

Measure a part up to 100x faster with OGP multi-sensor measurement

For modern manufacturers, the increasing demand for high quality, complex, accurate components means they need to ensure fast, accurate and repeatable measurements of every component.  Traditionally, component measurement would require the use of multiple devices, including hand gauges, CMM’s and shadowgraphs. OGP UK, the Carfulan Group’s best-in-class multi-sensor measurement company, offers systems that combine all […]

OGP UK: The most complete metrology range

In today’s dynamic manufacturing industry, versatility and adaptability are paramount. Products are evolving and being produced at an increasingly accelerated speed, demanding equally advanced inspection solutions. OGP UK if the Carfulan Group’s multi-sensor measurement division, as well as the leading provider of multi-sensor measurement systems across the UK. Their advanced range of inspection technologies offers […]

Top 5 ways 3D printing can help your business

3D printing is reshaping industries and companies’ daily operations, from personalised prosthetics to vital aerospace components. As 3D printing technologies continue to advance, more and more industries are embracing these technologies to revolutionise their manufacturing and product development processes, unleashing new capabilities for innovation, creativity, and growth. Top 5 ways 3D printing can help your […]